~*~ SILLY PICS ~*~
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Here's Duane (Alvin from Alvin and the Chipmunks) and Me (Rainbow Brite). This year (2004) was an eighties themed costume pary. I made both of these costumes.

Here's Alvin again with Charles (Ronald Raegan). I spent the first half of the night running from Charles, for some reason that mask was WAY too creapy!

Isn't she beautiful!!! This is Laura as Princess Leia. I also made this costume.

Carrie was Tickled Pink from the cartoon Rainbow Brite. In this picture we were getting ready to save the world. Not sure if we accomplished it, but it was fun. I also made her costume.

This is a picture from last years birthday/costume party. We were all pretty tipsy by this point. It was a blast! I made our costumes (D's & Mine.) These are some of our closest/favorite friends. Not that you'll be able to make it, but I'll send you an invitation for this year. I'm gonna be rainbow brite!

Laura's wedding was October 12, 2002. It was very pretty. I'd name all of the people for you, but I really don't remember their names. I think Laura and Tim split up in April or May of 2003.

We thought this sign was really funny. This was in Kentucky on our way back from Markus' house (see below.)

This is Duane, Markus and Markus' puppy Elli(cute huh, my name minus the K.) Markus is Duane's brother. He's funny. He lives in Kentucky and we drive out there to visit him once in a while.

This is Mikey, Duane's son. He's a big part of my life now. He's here 3 days a week. He's a very sweet boy, very lovey and stuff. He's 6 now.

Drinking some beers on the porch. I'm so glad she's back in Cecil County!

We hang out with Brian and Cole(Nicole) every friday night. Kitty's there too. We call ourselves "NTC" and "The Fab Four" it's all very silly but very fun!

Brian's dog Elvis. He was a three headed dog for the party. He's a happy guy!

Elli pissed all over everything when she visited us, but we think she's cute anyway. Laura doesn't piss on the floor too much when she visits! (just kidding)

Charles is one of the best people I've ever met. For some reason we've given him the nickname "God," I don't think he likes it much. But if you ask anyone we hang out with "who is God?" they know it's Charles!

Carrie is Charles' girlfriend. We hang out with them every Saturday night. We love them.

Mike and Daddy. Don't they look so much alike?! I LOVE freckles! They both have them, it's super cute.

Here's a better pic of our costumes. Notice that D was a female nurse. He had duct tape on his stockings to hold them up, it was funny.

There's a whole page dedicated to pictures of Kya, but I couldn't help but put one on here. Here she is being friendly with the kitty. I don't like cats, so he started out as Duane's cat. But he really doesn't like Duane so he's kinda my kitty now. His names are Box, Otis, Kitty, Ornery and Evil. We keep changing his name, he's sitting on my lap now purring.